Legal Notice

Website director

This site, accessible from the URL address is edited by Duverne Avocat located 6, rue Bleue – 75009 Paris.

Tel: + 33 1 79 35 30 58
Fax: + 33 1 79 35 30 59
Siret Number: 518 888 623 00049
Intra-community VAT Number: FR 84 51 88 88 62 30 0031.

Publication director: Clémentine Duverne
Tel: + 33 1 79 35 30 58

Hosting, design and production
The service provider hosting the website is OVH, whose head office is located at 2, rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix.
The website was designed and produced by Les Colégraphes, Anne-Laure Servin et Maximilien Gorelkine.
Copyright photo:
Photo portrait of Clémentine Duverne : Stefan Rappo.
Graphic design : Photo of FLY:D and Olga Thelavart on Unsplash.

Pursuant to Article L. 612-1. of the Consumer Code, any consumer has the right to reach out freely to a consumer mediator with a view to the amicable resolution of the dispute between him and a professional. The Consumer Mediator of lawyers is located at 180, boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris.

Applicable law
This website is governed by French law.

Personal data

1. Personal data controller

The controller of personal data processed via the website is Clémentine Duverne located 6 rue Bleue – 75009 registered under the SIRENE number 518 888 623 and whose SIRET number is 518 888 623 00049 – code APE: 6910Z (legal activities- personal business liberal profession).

2. Purpose of processing

The processing of personal data via the website are:

  • answer to the questions asked via the contact form, on the basis of consent,
  • management of callbacks for people who have asked to be contacted by phone, on the basis of consent,
  • Preparation of quotes and commercial fee proposals,
  • Subscription of prospects to the firm’s newsletters, on the basis of consent,
  • Subscription of clients to the firm’s newsletters, on the basis of legitimate interest of the data controller to keep its clients informed of its activities as well as of the latest news of interest for them.

3. Recipient of the data

The data is processed by strictly authorized members of the firm. This data is not passed on to partners or third parties or used for purposes not intended, unless otherwise specified or otherwise informed. No personal information other than that requested in this context is collected without the knowledge of the persons concerned. Only the data strictly necessary for the implementation of processing are requested from users and collected.

4. Data retention

The data collected is retained:

  • For clients, as part of the management of their files, 1 year after the end of the relationship in active database and 4 years in archives from the end of the relationship,
  • For clients and prospects, with respect to the subscription to newsletters: 3 years maximum from their collection by the data controller or from the last contact from the prospect,
  • For users who asked a question via the contact form or who asked to be called back: 1 year after sending the request.

5. Data security

The data passing through the website are subject to constant attention with regard to their security and confidentiality.

6. Data subject’s rights

In accordance with the amended law n°78-18 dated January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and in particular in its article 15 and following, the user of this website benefits, depending on the case, from the rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability relating to the data concerning him as well as the rights of limitation and opposition on the processing carried out via the firm’s website.

Individuals can exercise these rights over their data by sending an e-mail to or through post mail to 6, rue Bleue – 75009 Paris.

7. Claims

The user of this website or the lawyer’s client may at any time contact the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), the French data supervisory authority, and lodge a complaint by writing to CNIL – 3 place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris Cedex 07, or directly online at the address:, in particular in the event of a lack of response from the data controller to the exercise of his rights (such as the right of access to his data) or in the event of a clear breach of the personal data protection rules by the data controller.

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